classification:metropolis |
author:匿名 |
state:in the series |
update:(2024-11-24 06:23:47) |
the young girl was obviously impressed by him, too, whether she washed her face clean or not. He pinched himself for a while, twisted the hands of the basket and said silently, "it's me."... ",the girl didn't know what to do. Finally, she nodded. Wei Wuyan took out a radish and the two squatted down on the grass together. The little apple put his head into the basket and rummaged through it, but did not find the apple, so he reluctantly came out with a carrot and gnawed it.,just then, both men heard the faint sound of boots stepping on the grass. Wei Wuyue looked back and sure enough, the blue forgetfulness machine was coming this way.。